Page 8 - Buffers USA 2024 Trailer Hardware Catalog FlipBook
P. 8

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                                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                          ALPHABETICAL INDEX
                                                                               BY ITEM DESCRIPTION

      REF             » Rope Tie-Off        2907-3              D  (cont’d)
                   Ratchet Strap Assemblies (2” – 4”)  2905-1 to -5  DOOR LOCKING SYSTEMS & COMPONENTS
                   Shoring Bars, Clevis Pin Adjust)   2908-8        Bearing Brackets         1401-21 to -27
                   Shoring Bars, Push-Button Adjust  2908-7         Bearing Bushings         1401-29 to -30
                   Short Link Chain Assemblies   2901-1             Cams                     1401-12 to -14
                   Tarp Straps w/ S-hooks   2904-4                  Handles                  1401-16
                   Web Winches              2903-1 to -2            Handle Components        1401-17 to -20
                   Winch Bars               2903-3                  Keepers (Top & Bottom)   1401-8 to -9
                   Winch Rails              2903-2                  Lock Rod Hardware Kits   1401-4 to -6
                   Winch Straps (3” & 4”)   2904-1                  Lock Rod Pipes           1401-35
               CHAIN TIE-DOWN ANCHORS       2902-3              DRAIN Assemblies & Components   4406-5 to -7
               CHAIN TIE-DOWNS (Load Binders)   2901-3          DROP-IN TWISTLOCKS           1102-1 to -20
               CHASSIS TWISTLOCKS           1101-12 to -31
               CHASSIS/TRAILER STAND        6109-1              E
               CLEVIS GRAB HOOKS            2901-2              EPDM RUBBER
               CLIPS, Crossmember           1210-1 to -2            Baffle Plate Hinge       1311-12
               COIL RACKS                   2908-2                  Bearing Bracket Gaskets   1401-22
                   Brace                    1008-10                  Document Holder Gasket & End Cap 4403-2
                                                                    Handle Retainer Plate Gasket
                   Plate                    1311-11
               CORNER BRACKETS, Van Trailer   1206-1                 Swing Door Bumpers & Stops   1402-36
                                                                    Tarp Straps w/ S-Hooks
               CORNER CAPS, Van Trailers    1303-1 to -7
                                                                    Twistlock Housing Light Hole Plug  1110-5
               CORNER POSTS, Front Trailer   1205-13              EURO TWISTLOCKS            1101-32 to -35
               CORNER PROTECTORS            2904-2 to -3        EYELET CLIP (for Reefer T-Floor)   2909-4
                   Gearbox                  1009-2              F
                   Landing Leg              1009-1
               CRANK HANDLES for Landing Legs   1003-1 to -3    FASTENER, Crossmember        2301-2
                                                                                             1006-5 to -6
                                                                FIXED BRACES (Landing Legs)
                   Horizontal Folding       1003-1                  Angle type               1006-6
                   Vertical Folding         1003-2
               CRANK HANDLE KEEPERS         1003-3                  Medium & Heavy Duty      1006-5
               CROSSMEMBERS                                     FLAGS, Fluorescent Red & Orange   2004-2
                                                                FLAT BARS
                   Aluminum                 1310-2                  Aluminum                 1313-1
                   Steel                    1210-8
               CROSSMEMBER BOLT KIT         2301-2                  Structural Steel         1207-4
               CROSSMEMBER CLIPS                                FLAT METAL STRAP Security Seals   3202-6
                                                                FLAT PANELS, Steel
                   Aluminum                 1310-1
                   Steel                    1210-1 to -2        FLAT SHEETS, Steel           1211-19
               CUSHION FOOT REPAIR KIT      1001-9              FLATBED TWISTLOCKS           1101-1 to -11, -36 to -40
                                                                    Height-Adjustable, Retractable   1101-7 to -8
                                                                    Height Extender          1101-6
               D                                                    Replacement Parts/Discont’d Models 1101-36 to -40
               D-RINGS W/ STRAPS            2902-1 to -2            Retractable              1101-1, -4, -10, -11
                   Standard type            2902-1                  Retractable, Short Retracted Length 1101-2 to-3
                   Bent & Marine type       2902-2                  Screwdown, Non-retractable   1101-9
               DECKING/SHORING BEAMS        2908-5 to -6            Screwdown, Retractable   1101-5
               DOCK BUMPERS (Black Rubber)   4502-1 to -3       FLOOR BOLTS & SCREWS         2301-1
               DOCUMENT HOLDERS             4403-1 to -2        FLUORESCENT FLAGS
                   Manifest Box             4403-1                  Red & Orange, w/ & w/o Handles  2004-2
                   Round & Tube Style Holders   4403-2          FOLDABLE STEP                1312-1
               DOLLY WHEEL ASSEMBLY         1001-8              FRONT TRAILER CORNER POSTS   1205-13
               DOOR BUMPERS & STOPS         1402-36             G
               DOOR HOLDBACKS               1402-31 to -34
                                                                GASKETS for Plymetal Trailer Doors   1404-4
                                                                GEARBOX COVERS for Landing Legs  1009-2
                                                                GRAB HOOKS, Clevis           2901-2
                                                                HANDLES & Components
                                                                    Crank (for Landing Legs)   1003-1 to -3
                                                                    Slider Pin               1501-6 to -7

                                                        ToC: CC: C –– GG
                                                        To                                                  12/18/24
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